It’s been awhile

While I haven’t been doodling much, I have been working on a novel…well, actually a series of novels. I’m completing the final edits for my first volume which tells the story of Morgan, an immortal and daughter of Osiris, a traveler from a distant star. Book One covers Morgan’s capture at age 12 by Merlin, another immortal. I’m just getting started on Book Two which will retell the Camelot myth, which is, of course, quite a bit different than most legends. Actually, Arthur is the son of Merlin (as is Sir Percival). Morgan will become known as Morgan le Fey, and Viviane (Nimui) is also a key character. Book Three will wrap up when Morgan finally meets her father, Osiris, the last of the Atlians.

Author: wendybea

My 40-year-plus career in marketing and communications was both fun and rewarding, not least of which was the 20 years I got to manage the largest Parade of Homes in the United States. But through it all, I was happiest when I had pen or keyboard in hand. Whether an ad, a press release or magazine article, I found a home with words.